24/7 For Emergency
Leak Detection Services

Job completed for Irdeal

Completion date: April 12, 2024

Location: Denham Springs, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer noticed mildew under baseboards during a DYI project.

Solutions provided:

LA Leak Detection went out with our infrared camera and located a leak underneath the slab in the kitchen. She had a pipe that was corroded over time and had been leaking slowy for a while. She has mold behind baseboards and under the carpet. We wrote her a report and referred the mold damage to United Fire and Water as they deal with that stuff not us.
Corroded Pipes- Leak- Slab Leak- Mold- Mildew

Photos & Videos:

Pipe Corrosion- Leak Detection- Mold Mitigation-
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Pipe Corrosion- Leak Detection- Mold Mitigation-